How to get the perfect high paying remote IT jobs in India

Finally! You have decided to work from home. Remote software jobs in India are hard to land on yet, following the proper etiquettes will get your favorite remote IT job in India. These etiquettes start from cleaning up your resume to perfectly locking the job on the phone or through email.
Going remote is a great way especially in a country with millions of graduates coming out every year. You can get high paying jobs from the comfort of your home. With major companies planning to go remote in the upcoming days, chances are you can get a remote IT job in India with a clean and crisp profile.
Either way, if you are a developer or a testing engineer, you will get high paying remote IT jobs in India, once you follow steps. 
Without further ado, let us go through them.

Prepare your remote job CV


If you haven’t applied for remote IT jobs in India online, you better get your resume aligned exactly for a remote job. Be precise on what roles you are going to apply for. If testing is your role, highlight your testing experience.
If you wish to apply as a developer, display the projects you have completed for getting a remote developer job in India. In the case of a medical coding engineer, the stats are completely different and focus on the domain’s skills to get that remote medical coding job in India.
The thing is, there are a ton of remote IT jobs in India but the first level rejections take place when your recruiter analyses your CV.
As you are more independent than a regular 9 to 5 employee, the recruiters’ expectations will be different. They analyze your behavior and character and if you are self-motivated to get the job done if they offer you the remote IT job in India.

Applying for remote jobs


Okay, since you have your records perfect, now we can actively search for the obtainable remote software jobs in India.
With hundreds of platforms to choose from and methods to get your recruiter to look at your profile, I have picked out five ways; five ways that have a high probability of your getting your high paying remote software job in India.
Staying on track is also important as you should check out the trending remote IT jobs in India. Out of all the ways to seek work from home jobs, the following five methods have proven to be more successful than the rest.



The professional platform contains thousands of job postings and if you skim through the common roles they offer, you can find great remote software jobs in India.
One thing to remember is to keep your LinkedIn profile sharp and your skills on point because your recruiter will notice them.
Having a premium account is optional but showcase your projects and accomplishments if you want to move ahead of other applicants. Featuring your work increases your chances of landing at a good remote developer job in India.

Company’s official websites


LinkedIn is filled with talented individuals hunting for a high paying remote IT job in India just like you.
Another quicker way would be to apply on your desired company’s website. This makes things easier for you and them as they get to know who is interested in their role and why.
To make things easier for you, here is a list of 20 top companies that offer remote IT jobs in India.

Recruitment Agencies


Let us say you are in a scenario where you lack skills and you wish to be trained. There are numerous recruiting institutes that offer courses and job offers for individuals.
Recruitment agencies are a good option when you are starting out with the basic skills and could end up with a remote testing job in India.
If a remote IT job in India is your goal, you can learn anything online for free. Since work from home jobs are rare with recruiting agencies, keep this tip as your last resort.

Cold emails


The most underrated way to get a high paying job would be to send cold emails. Personally, this technique has helped me a lot because the email etiquette is poor among young Indian graduates. 
Let us say you are a developer. If you can provide the insights of what you can develop for the company and how you can be useful to them, you are halfway there getting that remote developer job in India.
This applies to testing and medical coding as well. The first thing is to understand that it is a human reading the post on the other end. Prove why you can get the job done and you can get the remote testing job in India.

Remote job portals


The best way to search for remote software roles is to scan through remote job portals.
That is the idea of their existence, isn’t it? Take Waw Asia for instance.

Waw Asia - the remote job destination

Waw Asia provides the curated high paying jobs for the roles you wish for. You can get a remote software role in India from the comfort of your home.
Be it testing, full-stack development, or medical coding, you get a remote role when your skills match.
Do you want to know how things work? Sign up and create your profile and start searching remote jobs on Waw Asia. Pretty simple, right?

Responding to your remote recruiter


Yay! It is good news that you now got a response from your recruiter. This is where you take the conversation professionally to lock the remote IT job in India for you.
Respond politely and as soon as possible. You do not know whether they are in a hurry to fill the role or not. But you know that the role is necessary for you and there is no time-wasting.
If they are responding to you, it would be because they were interested in your profile and would like to proceed forward. They will ask you to demonstrate your skills and to take up a quiz or a short interview. 
Provide an exact date and try to end the conversation in a professional manner and don’t let them hang in the middle. When you go through all these steps, you are almost 90% there to get your remote IT job in India.

Patience is important


The interview and the assessments are over and your recruiter has informed that they will contact you again for the results on the remote IT job in India.
In the meantime, you need to have the most important virtue; patience. Staying patient is a key and displays professionalism. If the recruiter responds that he will reach out, they will reach out.
In rare circumstances, they may not intimate you about the role at all. Make sure to track your application online so that you are aware of whether the role was offered or not. If you want to get that remote software job in India, patience is the determining factor.
With that being said, remote jobs will occupy a major chunk of the workforce. It is high time to start applying for your remote IT job in India.
Starting at an early age as a developer or a testing engineer, will give you a lot of time to experiment. Sign up to see what Waw Asia has for you. That way, you can understand the market and adjust accordingly to scale up to high paying remote developer jobs in India.