6 High Salary Jobs In Philippines You Should Apply Now

Hiring remote talent from the Philippines is a plus for the employer and the candidate. But as a candidate, are you aware of the jobs in the Philippines offering high salaries?
Don’t worry. That is not a problem anymore.
We did the research for you and here is the conclusion: we found 6 high salary jobs in the Philippines. Let’s start right now.

What Are The Highest Salary Jobs In The Philippines

Business Today lists the domain where you can find high salary jobs in the Philippines. But what is the case for remote work?
Remote work attracts people in the software and marketing industry more than any other industry. 
To help you pick the right job title, here are 6 high-paying remote jobs in the Philippines that can be a game-changer.

Virtual Assistant



Virtual Assistant

It is so amazing to see how much you can earn from just taking calls and assisting your fellow employees and customers.
Virtual assistants are in high demand in the Asia-Pacific region and this is one of the highest-paying remote jobs in the Philippines.
One problem is finding companies that offer jobs like virtual assistants. That is not a problem anymore.
Waw Asia did the research and compiled the top companies offering jobs for virtual assistants.
If high-salary jobs in the Philippines are what you want, here is the best collection of remote jobs. Thank us later.

Testing Engineer

Engineering graduates don’t know how important testing is for a company until they get into a testing engineer role.
From automating all sorts of tests to collaborating with the developers and clients, testing engineers make the necessary adjustments before the dispatch.
This makes it a high-salary job not just in the Philippines but anywhere in the world.
How can Waw Asia miss out on that? Here are the top remote engineering jobs that also include the industry’s high-paying remote jobs from the Philippines.

Graphic Designer

A super hot job in the market, graphic designers have great earning potential. 
Since we are talking about remote work, you can easily telecommute from home, making this one of the high-salary jobs in the Philippines.
From posters to infographics to designing all formats of illustrations, graphic designers are on the elite list of high-paying remote jobs in the Philippines.
The fun part is that the tools are more or less similar. If you know Photoshop, Figma, and Illustrator, you can confidently apply for this remote job in the Philippines with a high salary.
Wanna know where to apply? Visit Waw Asia and apply for best remote graphic design jobs. We bring only the best of the best to you.

Financial Advisor


Financial advising is a popular remote job that companies now plan to telecommute with their clients.
You can find a lot of these companies offering high-paying remote jobs from the Philippines.
To get into one of these enterprises and get a hefty paycheck, you have to clear the top certifications in the domain. And that’s it.
With the Philippines being a hotspot for remote work, the chances of winning a high-salary job from the Philippines are high. You don’t want to miss out on that.
Luckily, Waw Asia didn’t miss them out. Here are the top remote financial jobs in the Philippines offering high salaries.




Telemarketing is not obsolete. 
It has taken new avatars from the conventional calls as they are now considered spam. 
Social media is the new tool that you should market the products and generate leads. To be part of a social media marketing company, you should demonstrate good communication skills and produce engaging content.
From there, you can get this high-salary job in the Philippines. The best part is you don’t have to spend a ton of time. 
Just a few hours online, can get you anywhere around $31,000 a year. Do you wish to be part of a marketing firm?
Check these online social media jobs that will offer one of these jobs from the Philippines that offer a high salary.


Android Developer



Android Developer high-salary jobs

Apps are omnipresent. Every problem these days has an app.
And as long as apps are in the picture, developers will always get high-salary jobs. The Philippines needs a lot of them.
Being an android developer means you got to be an all-rounder; build the design, code, test, and dispatch.
The best way to catch a good company is to find a reputed remote job portal like Waw Asia. That is because we provide the top android jobs offering high salaries from the Philippines.
Have a look. You might find your next employer there.

Are You A Filipino? Sign Up With Waw Asia To Apply For Jobs In the Philippines With High Salary

Unlike other remote job portals, Waw Asia stands by what we say: providing only the best remote jobs for talented Asian candidates.
That means we cover remote-jobs, assisting the applicants with legal issues, getting their CV ready for an interview, and even offering a refund if they are the first applicant to win a remote job in that month.
Sounds cool, right? So what are you still waiting for?
Sign up and start applying for the high-salary jobs in the Philippines. We got your back and we make sure you win in the end.