8 best entry-level remote jobs you can get with no experience

Best entry-level remote jobs
8 best entry-level remote jobs
Going remote could be the best decision most employees are making these days. It is safe, gives you more resources to work with and build a more stable career. 
To start these in the first place, young students and graduates find it difficult to grab one for their own. Not to worry. Buckle up because you are about to know the 8 entry-level remote jobs you can take without any need of prior experience.
This will be a career changer and you should consider picking up skills to get the best entry-level remote jobs.

Not all remote jobs need experience


A misconception is that remote jobs are for the senior roles of any company. Freshers have to work for a few years and the company, if they have remote job options will allow them to work from home.
That is not true and the good news is there are remote companies that hire people for entry-level remote jobs. They are completely remote where people of all levels work for the betterment of the company.
You should find the companies specifically hiring for entry-level remote job roles. The following 8 roles are currently trending now where you can expect to get high paying entry-level remote jobs.

Content writer


When the only two things you need are a laptop and an internet connection, every content writer can stay at home.
Whether you focus on technical, legal, web content, finances, medical, or whatever be the field, entry-level remote job positions are guaranteed at any company.
The advantage of choosing the path of a content writer is that you need no prior knowledge as well. You don’t need to be Shakespeare. All you need are simple skills to get the word out to a large crowd.
When you start out with no background, you will be asked to write basic articles for blog sections that require little attention to SEO. From there you will have to improve your ability to write search engine optimized articles. 
This not only adds experience under your resume but also allows you to charge more for your work. The best entry-level remote jobs for content writers are easy to find and in fact, many top companies offer these roles as internships as well.

Virtual assistant


You can start as a part-time call assistant or even dive right into a company as a part of their customer service team. Even amazon encourages the need for entry-level remote jobs for virtual assistants as they introduce thousands of roles in the Asian time zone.
Virtual Assistant remot jobs
Virtual Assistant remote jobs
Virtual assistants are not just those people who provide customer assistance. You can find them helping out customers with information about products and services and be a bridge between the company and the people.
Being an entry-level remote job, you can find them by applying to companies providing virtual assistant services. From there, you can work your way to take up any role in the customer service section.
All these start with an entry-level remote job position and there is no better time to get one than now.



Apart from content writers, there are two more roles to play for companies these days. As a copywriter, you can design great sales copies and marketing copies for businesses. 
A high paying entry-level remote job, a copywriter can earn a ton of money even when they step in with zero experience. 
Copy-writing remote jobs
Copy-writing remote jobs
Although you will have to prove you are the one the company wants. For that, you have to take up internships and learn the necessary skills like SEO, using Content Management systems, and immense control over the grammar and the language.
One thing to know is that the role is extremely competitive and you need to prove your worth all the time to stay on track. That being said, start early by applying for copywriting jobs and start working right now.

Social media content creator


The biggest marketing equipment for an enterprise these days is their social media handles. Without engaging with people, great sales are still a mile away.
This is where content creators jump in. you need to master three things to become a successful content creator.
Social Media remote jobs for entry-level
Social Media remote jobs for entry-level
  1. Audio (Podcast and clips)
  2. Video (video clips for YouTube, Reels for Instagram and more)
  3. Image (infographics, copies and detailed reports)
With these under your belt, you can be unstoppable. Some of the companies that want people like you are Ubisoft, Tokopedia, Volvo, and BookMyShow.
Entry-level remote jobs for content creators are high in demand as most startups want people with a creative mind and want to introduce new perspectives.

Online tutors


Education is not making large leaps to go open source where you can find everything online. Teachers have moved online and you can be a teacher too. You don’t have to have experience as a teacher or even be one. 
What matters is your ability to teach and your proven knowledge of the subject. If you teach Physics for High School students, have relevant knowledge in the field. 
Online tutors are a real thing where this entry-level remote work requires you to help students through video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype.
If you can help a student understand the Pythagoras theorem though Zoom, congratulations. You are now an online tutor.



I have the flair for selling things and marketing, remote work as an entry-level telemarketer is hot and you should get one.
All you have to do is to sell the company’s products or services by calling people who have a high chance of turning into a customer. 
Just like the rest of the pack, this job role does not need experienced people. A lot of companies from India like NextGen 3D printing and Eprofit are looking for specialists in this field right now.
Knowledge and a passion for selling things are all you need to get this entry-level remote job.

Data entry


A common option for college graduates and young students is taking up data entry jobs. Although there are a ton of scams you should be aware of, there are legitimate data entry companies offering great compensation for their employees.
This entry-level remote work needs no experience as most companies are gig-based. You do the work and you get paid and once the project is complete, you are terminated.
When you have knowledge managing databases and have been a Salesforce admin, you can even become Even though gig-based projects pay higher than long term roles, this entry-level remote work is a guaranteed way to make money.



Another entry-level remote work is the job where you will listen to the original video and write transcripts for the video. A transcriptionist is what they call you and this job needs no experience whatsoever.
Your proficiency in the language you deal with will be verified by your work. The more original your work is, the higher you will be preferred.
This makes this entry-level remote job needing no experience and all you need is to work with great video creators and write as original as you can.
Transcriptionists are common and are in demand and Waw Asia didn’t want to leave it out. Waw Asia brings transcription jobs from verified recruiters.

Sign up with Waw Asia to get entry-level remote jobs


The list does not end here. There are entry-level positions in Vietnam and part-time engineering jobs that fresh graduates can apply when you come right out of college.
To get constant updates on entry-level remote jobs, you have to sign up for a remote job portal like Waw Asia. why?
You are new and want only entry-level remote jobs and recruiters who want fresh talent. This makes you the right candidate to apply for entry-level remote jobs from Waw Asia.
Waw Asia brings in the best recruiters from all over the world to talented people like you within the Asian time zone. Our trending remote jobs are a specimen of our quality.
To start your career, sign up now and apply for entry-level remote jobs. Start early and start surfing for companies who want entry-level remote workers like you.